I'm giving up my bed for the month of February. It sounded like a good idea two months ago, not so much now the time has come! But I'm committed to the cause and hope we can raise a few beds while I lie on the floor.
On April 6th I head of with a team from Carrick Vineyard Church to Bekoji, Ethiopia for 10 days to see the incredible work of this charity with a huge heart - Stand by Me. Of course we want to contribute in any way we can to the life changing ongoing support Stand by Me gives to individuals, families and communities where they work, and I'm asking you to be part of that contribution.
In Bekoji, one of the initiatives Stand by Me have been working on is getting beds into the small one room houses whole families live in. There are many advantages to this, the most obvious being providing a bed to sleep on with a mattress instead of the floor. It also maximises space available in the house with storage space underneath the bed.
It costs £120 to get a bed made and into a house. I would love it if we could raise at least 5 beds. If you can, get involved and make a donation, and help make my month on the floor make a difference.