Laura's Loopy

“Though she be but little, she is fierce.” William Shakespeare. And though Laura be little, she is a fierce, stealth warrior when it comes to Loom bands.

£415 raised of £300 target
20 supporters

Laura has set herself quite the challenge: On the 9th of October she will begin a 24 hour loomathon. Yes that’s right 24 hours of loom band making! How many fishtails will she make in 24 hours? She’ll keep count. Can she do it? We hope so! Will her fingers fall off? Um Maybe! Why not support Laura’s daring efforts by making a donation.

All proceeds raised are going to the Stand by Me kids in Ethiopia. 

Ethiopia is home to some of the world’s most vulnerable children, overwhelmed by poverty, many abandoned, living without care. Our school opened in November 2013 and we are now educating 240 children, offering them a good education, hot food, medical care and support from their teachers, as well as reaching out to help their families living in the community. 

Recent supporters

An anonymous donor gave £50
Thanks Laura....go girl! You've encouraged my little ones to copy u
Offline Donation gave £100 to this appeal
Offline Donation
Offline Donation gave £40 to this appeal
Ric Craig gave £15 to this appeal
Well done LD- tremendous effort!!
Stephanie Wiggins gave £10 to this appeal
Super proud! Well done!!! x
Lynette Ferguson gave £15 to this appeal
Well done!
Suzanne Waddell gave £10 to this appeal
Well done Laura D, you're a machine!
Desna Barr gave £10 to this appeal
Good luck.
Leigh McClurg gave £5 to this appeal
Maggie Magowan gave £30 to this appeal
Well done Laura! You are a total looming legend!
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Recent supporters

An anonymous donor gave £50
Thanks Laura....go girl! You've encouraged my little ones to copy u
Offline Donation gave £100 to this appeal
Offline Donation
Offline Donation gave £40 to this appeal
Ric Craig gave £15 to this appeal
Well done LD- tremendous effort!!
Stephanie Wiggins gave £10 to this appeal
Super proud! Well done!!! x
Lynette Ferguson gave £15 to this appeal
Well done!
Suzanne Waddell gave £10 to this appeal
Well done Laura D, you're a machine!
Desna Barr gave £10 to this appeal
Good luck.
Leigh McClurg gave £5 to this appeal
Maggie Magowan gave £30 to this appeal
Well done Laura! You are a total looming legend!
Show more

Project Updates

07 November 2014

It seemed like a near impossible task – 24 hours of loom band making, from midnight to midnight! But after a long and tiring day, some very sore fingers and a lot of determination, Laura completed her loom band challenge making a total of 101 loom bands, beating her target of 100. 

Well done Laura you are a loom band making machine! Laura not only beat her target for the number of loom bands she made but also smashed her fundraising target of £200 and raised an amazing £365 for our children in the Dembi Dollo Abdi Academy. Providing for their education, food and health needs. The loom bands will also be making their way to our kids – we can just imagine the excitement they will bring. 

Thank you to everyone who sponsored Laura, you have made a real difference to the lives of our children in Dembi Dollo living in poverty and for whom an education gives hope for a brighter future. 

If you would like to sponsor a child in Dembi Dollo visit our child sponsorship page.

Stand by... almost there...