The Encounter is a show that explores the story of Christmas in a fresh way using dance and mime. It is specifically designed for an online audience using a mixture of pre-recorded pieces, live performance and fun for the whole family.
The hour long event will be broadcast to your home over Zoom so there are opportunities to interact and chat, as well as watch this innovative performance. The Reeves family look forward to sharing this experience with friends and family from near and far, whilst supporting the amazing work of Stand By Me.
Donations will provide life-saving food parcels to children and families cared for by Stand by Me. With families facing isolation and unemployment during the pandemic, many are too poor to provide food at home. To ensure that no child goes hungry, Stand by Me is distributing essential food parcels to each family in their care. The parcels contain a month’s supply of food, soap and charcoal to cook with and cost £40. Stand by Me has been supporting 1,500 since March and hope to continue to support families for as long as they need.