Francisco lives with his mother who works as a cook earning a small income. His father's provision is low. They live with his grandmother and other relatives. They have electricity and running water. The difficult conditions of his family has meant Francisco needed extra help and with sponsorship provision, the Care centre can provide him with nutritious food, emotional support and help with homework. Francisco’s favourite subject in school is math.
In his free time, Francisco likes to go out with his friends and play football or with spinning tops. He also rides his bike, runs errands for his grandma and goes with his cousin to the river for a swim. He likes to collect everything he needs to make his own kites and flies them.
The gulf between the haves and the have-nots in Colombia is alarming. Decades of civil war and conflict have resulted in a country plagued by violence and murder. For six million children deep in poverty, a lack of educational opportunities and malnutrition is an everyday reality. Children have severe health issues worsened due to not being able to afford medical treatment. Many children suffer from psychological problems as a result of neglect, abuse and violence experienced in their homes.
We established a care centre in 2015 to support families through educational provision, meals, counselling, training and housing support. Every day, our children come to our care centre eager to learn, play and receive emotional support.
88% of your donation will be used to directly provide the best care possible for Francisco. We'll use the remaining 12% to support the work of Stand by Me and find a sponsor for the next child.
When you sponsor Francisco you will receive a pack in the post with his story and photo. Every year you will receive an update about his/her progress, a new photo and at least one communication from him/her.
We know our kids love to receive your letters and write back so we encourage you to write as many letters as you like, along with photos and birthday gifts to develop a genuine relationship.
Ask us anything. We’ve helped sponsors change 1000s of kids’ lives, and we know it can be a big decision. We’re here to help you every step of the way.