Harriet lives with both her siblings and parents in their own home. Her father is a former public transport driver who retired after he had a road accident and got a permanent injury on his right leg. As a result he can neither drive a vehicle nor stand straight. Her mother is now the sole income provider and works as a casual labourer. Harriet's younger brother is in grade one at a different school and her sister is just a baby.
At home Harriet's family fetch and use firewood for cooking and they have a well in their compound that has clean usable water. They get their drinking water from here and during the dry season they collect it from a stream.
The family have a cow that was given to them by their neighbour so that the children can have milk to drink.
The family pay medical bills for the father's medical needs.
Harriet is very confident and very sure of herself. She stands tall and is not intimidated in the presence of others. She loves playing netball with her friends. Harriet loves learning the Kiswahili language in class. She would like to be a doctor when she grows up
The Open Arms project is joining the Stand by Me family in January 2022. Open Arms International was founded in 2006 to meet the immediate needs of orphaned and abandoned children in western Kenya who were suffering from a wide variety of life-threatening diseases. After the 2008 political violence left thousands of children orphaned, abandoned and homeless, the project grew to support more children. Today, the Open Arms Village is now home to over 150 children with 10 purpose-built family homes.
88% of your donation will be used to directly provide the best care possible for Harriet. We'll use the remaining 12% to support the work of Stand by Me and find a sponsor for the next child.
When you sponsor Harriet you will receive a pack in the post with his story and photo. Every year you will receive an update about his/her progress, a new photo and at least one communication from him/her.
We know our kids love to receive your letters and write back so we encourage you to write as many letters as you like, along with photos and birthday gifts to develop a genuine relationship.
Ask us anything. We’ve helped sponsors change 1000s of kids’ lives, and we know it can be a big decision. We’re here to help you every step of the way.