Meet Banera

Aged 8, Ethiopia

Banera lives with her mom and her cousin in a single room mud house. The family lives in humble conditions, and sleep on a mattress as they have no beds. They do not have a quality bathroom or kitchen facilities, and they have very little by way of clothes or kitchen utensils, so things are not easy for them. Banera's mother does some labor work to generate a small income for the family but the work is not regular. 

Stand by Me was so pleased to accept Banera into the Abdi program sponsorship program. With support she will be able to receive, along with her schooling, the necessary materials needed for her studies, as well as a nutritious daily meal and medical care. 

Banera likes playing handball and she loves to eat cooked pasta with bread. She is enjoying school and her favorite subject is Afan Oromo (the local language). Banera is shy and quiet, but she has shared with us that when she grows up she wants to be a teacher. As she is from a Christian family, she likes to attend church every Sunday with her parents.

Where Banera lives

Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in the world. Famine, HIV/Aids and extreme poverty have resulted in millions of orphans and a life of hardship for the majority of its population. Nearly one million children are orphaned as a result of HIV/Aids. A lack of investment in education and a high dependency on child labour has left five million children without access to an education. Educational opportunities for girls are lower than boys as they are expected to do domestic work or marry at an early age.

Our two schools, the Bethany School and the Abdi Academy are today providing the poorest children with a quality education, daily food, health care and family support. Our Children’s Village has two family homes which care for orphaned and at risk children.

What you receive

When you sponsor Banera you will receive a pack in the post with her story and photo. Every year you will receive an update about her progress, a new photo and at least one communication from her.

Real relationship

We know our kids love to receive your emails and write back so we encourage you to write as many emails as you like, along with photos and birthday gifts to develop a genuine relationship.

Stand by... almost there...