We rescue children, then we do whatever it takes to provide the care, love and attention they need to thrive. This is our mission.

We rescue children, then we do whatever it takes to provide the care, love and attention they need to thrive. This is our mission.

Love, care and attention for each of our children.

Like all children, every child in our care has the need for unconditional love and acceptance. They need to be understood and appreciated for who they are. The children we rescue have complex backgrounds, so we take time and care in making sure each child’s unique needs are met. We’re in no rush – we’re in this for the long term to make sure they receive the care, love and attention they need to thrive.

We rescue kids. Everything else is secondary.

Charity is a tool that we use to meet the needs of children, but we’re not here to run a Non-Profit. We’re here to change the lives of the children in our care, then to reach out and rescue more. When we spend money, it’s because it’s the best way to make a difference in our kids’ lives.

Build local. Invest in communities.

We establish schools, homes and care centers at the center of communities by identifying and building networks of trustworthy local people, motivated by the change they want to see in their communities. This allows us to respond to challenges in a quick and culturally appropriate way, giving us unparalleled levels of child care wherever we work.

These kids can change everything.

When our children know they have our lasting support, they can rise above their circumstances, reach their full potential and go on to do great things. Once our children are ready to leave our care, they often choose to stay in their town, using their skills and talent to transform their communities. By providing the right support, we are proudly bringing up the next generation of builders, nurses, plumbers, church leaders, doctors, engineers, farmers, business owners and teachers in the areas we work in.

Motivated by Jesus.

Jesus took action against injustice, embraced those classed as untouchable, fed the hungry, comforted the hurting, was a friend to the outcast and an advocate for the vulnerable. We’re here to make lasting improvements to children’s lives, caring for them as Jesus would by restoring their dignity and giving them a sense of self-worth. We believe that as we demonstrate God’s love, we offer hope — the same hope that allowed Jesus to see not only people’s suffering and sadness, but also their potential.

Love and acceptance, regardless of belief.

We believe that God loves every person unconditionally, regardless of their beliefs. And we want to do the same. As part of growing up with Christian caregivers, parents or teachers, our kids are impacted by our faith and while we’re happy to see this, we believe that faith is a personal choice. We respect our children's’ identity and choices and will never pressure them to change their beliefs. We take this very seriously. Our mission is to care for children who need our help, no matter what their belief, ethnicity or social status.

Anyone can change one child’s life.

We believe that anyone can reach across the world and enable one more of our kids to have a chance at a great life. By sponsoring a child, or through one of the many other ways you can get involved, you can change everything for one more child.

Stand by... almost there...