Shoe Appeal 2017

Protect a child’s feet as they journey through life

£8,875 raised
161 supporters

The gift of shoes protects a child’s feet from harm everywhere they journey, to and from school each day, on every errand and expedition.

When our kids receive a pair of shoes they burst with joy and are given the confidence to walk through mud, climb over rocks and splash through puddles. They are secure in the knowledge that their feet are protected from cuts, damage and disease and free to adventure into all life has to offer.

Will you give the gift of a pair of shoes this Christmas and help children know they are loved and cared for?

£8 =  one pair of shoes  

Target = 3,500 pairs

Recent supporters

Julie Burgess gave £16 to this appeal
R Mansergh gave £16 to this appeal
An anonymous donor gave £40
Dalriad Editorial Team gave £48 to this appeal
RUTH JARDINE gave £480 to this appeal
Enjoy your shoes!
An anonymous donor gave £60
Craig & Raquel Dawson gave £800 to this appeal
May these shoes bring lots of joy and protect each child where ever they go :) !
An anonymous donor gave £40
Moyna kendall gave £100 to this appeal
An anonymous donor gave £24
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Recent supporters

Julie Burgess gave £16 to this appeal
R Mansergh gave £16 to this appeal
An anonymous donor gave £40
Dalriad Editorial Team gave £48 to this appeal
RUTH JARDINE gave £480 to this appeal
Enjoy your shoes!
An anonymous donor gave £60
Craig & Raquel Dawson gave £800 to this appeal
May these shoes bring lots of joy and protect each child where ever they go :) !
An anonymous donor gave £40
Moyna kendall gave £100 to this appeal
An anonymous donor gave £24
Show more

Project Updates

22 March 2018

During Christmas 2017, every child in our care received the present they hoped for - a brand new pair of shoes! All thanks to people like you who donated to our Shoe Appeal. Our kids are so grateful for the gifts and love received and express their thanks in unique and wonderful ways:

“Today I feel so happy for I have received new a pair of shoes because my family cannot buy good shoes for me. Before I joined Stand by Me Bethany School I used to wear plastic shoes which I shared with my brother. Thanks to God and our generous sponsors.” Temesgen, age 9 from Ethiopia.

Together, we have been able to protect the precious feet of our children from the monsoons of Burma, to the scorching heat of Colombia, to the rocky hills of Nepal. Thank you!

Stand by... almost there...