3 ways to give your sponsored child a happy Christmas

Christmas is a great time of year where many of us enjoy sending cards or giving gifts to those we love. For sponsors who see their sponsored children as part of their own family, you can do the same for them and give them a very happy Christmas.
Sending your Christmas greetings across the world to your sponsored child will help your child feel loved, special and part of your family’s Christmas celebrations. Here are 3 ways you can do this:
1. Send a monetary treat gift
Our children are delighted to receive a gift for Christmas. By sending your sponsored child treat money between £5 and £20, they can be bought a gift on your behalf or can buy themselves a gift with the donation.
There are two ways to do this; call us on 01708 442271 to make a card payment or you can send a cheque to our England office (made payable to Stand by Me) making it clear on the covering note your sponsored child’s name and ID number.
This is a fantastic way to ensure your child receives a gift that they want or need and lets them know that you care about them. If you want to give more than £20 we will use the extra to provide gifts for children who do not have a sponsor.
2. Send your Christmas greetings by email
Our kids love to receive an email from their sponsor. Emails excite our children as digital communication is new for many of them. But more than that, a short email can fill a child with joy as they realise that their sponsor is thinking about them.
We would love you to email your sponsored child; it’s quick, easy and cost effective. Please send your Christmas greetings in an email to mychild@standby.me and include your child’s details in the subject line.
3. Send a card or small gift in an A5 envelope in the post.
There’s nothing like receiving something personal in the post. You can send your child your Christmas greetings and tell them how you will be celebrating Christmas in a lovely Christmas card.
Christmas card and gifts must be small enough to fit into an A5 size envelope. Large parcels are discouraged due to the high cost of postage, customs issues and fairness to all the children so gifts such as sweets, stickers, bookmarks, pens and socks would be perfect for the post. Just send your postal gift to our England office with your child’s details enclosed and we will forward it on to your child.
As your card or gift travels across the world, it will carry with it your love and wishes of joy at Christmas. Your sponsorship is giving your child the best care possible, the love of a family and a very happy Christmas .
Please remember to send your gifts and monetary treats by early November to ensure they get to your child for Christmas.
If you don’t yet sponsor a child but want to experience the joy of being part of a child’s life you can find out more all about child sponsorship here.