Knitting for Nepal

Stand by Me supporters in Essex including David and Stella Luckock from Brentwood have been knitting teddies for children in Nepal living in extreme poverty and who lost everything in the Nepal Earthquake in 2015.
David and Stella have spent hours hand knitting teddies and dolls, making each one unique. A bundle of their teddies travelled all the way to Nepal with a volunteer team in March. The teddies made the journey up the steep and treacherous mountain paths and were given to children who have been living in temporary shelter since their homes and possessions were destroyed in April 2015 during the earthquake.
The children’s faces lit up in delight when they were given their teddies. Their families live in extreme poverty and receiving these beautiful toys, each one special in its own way and made with love, spread pure joy and gave them the knowledge that someone cares and loves them.
Despite the needs in Nepal seeming overwhelming, people like David and Stella are making a tangible difference to real people’s lives in Nepal. Stand by Me are supporting this community as they rebuild and we hope to help them thrive despite the difficult year they have experienced. Giving the children a special gift of a doll or teddy teaches them that they are of worth, a strange concept for those in the lowest castes.
These beautiful handmade gifts bring such happiness and joy to children on the other side of the world who live in great hardship. But there are many more children in Nepal who we would love to give the joy of a handmade teddy. If you would like to follow in David and Stella’s footprints and knit for Nepal, please email us or call us on 01708 442271. We can even provide you with knitting patterns for these beautiful teddies.