Lifting kids off the ground and into their first bed

We’re doing everything we can to make a difference in our kids' lives. Yet many return home after school to go to sleep on the hard, cold ground alongside their parents and siblings. Without a warm bed to snuggle into our kids wake up tired and unprepared for the day to come.
But a bed can change all that.
Our new February on the floor challenge is simple, sleep on the floor for a week and raise £140 in sponsorship to provide a cosy bed, comfortable mattress, soft pillow and warm blanket. The bed will benefit the whole family so your week of discomfort will be giving them all a good night’s sleep, every night!
“Since I got the bed gift, I have sweet sleep now and my family have no worry of sleeping on floor.”
Ifera, Ethiopia
Will you join in this February and transform a child’s sleep, bringing them joy and helping them wake up every day rested, refreshed and ready for a day of learning and fun.