Shoes spread joy around the world

Thank you so much for helping us reach our goal to buy a pair of shoes for every child in our care. Your kindness has reached across the world to every Stand by Me project and gave all our kids the privilege of shoes, protecting their feet from injury and disease.
In Burma at our new Shan State Home, it was Moses, Isaac, Elizabeth and Na Hmwe’s first Christmas with Stand by Me. Their faces express their excitement and joy at their shoes. But they weren’t the only ones; there are thousands more kids around the world, smiling just like them thanks to you.
And in Colombia you gave the gift of shoes to children who lost all of their possessions in the Hurricane Matthew floods. Katty, age nine, delightedly remarked: “When the teacher called me and gave me this gift I was so excited! I was not able to believe it! I am going to be able to wear new shoes, because the old ones got wet during the flooding.”
A special thank you to everyone who shared our Shoe Appeal with their friends, family, churches and work places, it’s thanks to you that we were able to reach above our target and bless more children with a pair of shoes than ever before.
You’re support has made sure our children are walking with confidence, unhindered by the fear of harm or feeling of inferiority. Together, we’ve been able to restore children’s dignity, improve their health and help them feel incredibly loved.