Stand by Me Roadshow

Friday, 25 April 2014

Please come along to the Stand by Me Roadshow in Upminster, Essex, featuring Al Bennett and his four piece band (video above). This compelling musical evening is set to the back drop of world history and memorable personalities interwoven with the amazing stories of children in our care.

We are now seeking to introduce our work to a wider audience and we need your help! Our success has been driven by word of mouth and we believe this event is the perfect opportunity to introduce your friends, neighbours and family to the work of Stand by Me and share with them something of what we have achieved together, in rescuing children around the world.

When: Saturday 7th June, 7.30pm. Doors open at 7.00pm
Where: St Luke’s Church, 201 Front Lane, Upminster, RM14 1LD
Admission is FREE but tickets are compulsory. Tickets are limited to 370 so don’t be disappointed – book early. Call us on 01708 442271 or email to book your free ticket.

Stand by... almost there...