Chickens for self-sufficiency
Good nutritious food is essential to the health, education and well-being of all of our children. Enabling our homes and the families of our children to be as self-sufficient as possible in food production and animal rearing is an important aim for us at Stand by Me.
The families of our children often have a strong desire to earn a living, work hard and provide for their children but are just so poor that they cannot afford the resources to help themselves out of the poverty in which they are trapped.
A small flock of chickens will make a huge difference to a family. Eggs are tasty to eat and provide lots of protein for growing children. The eggs can also be used to produce more chicks to grow the flock. When a family has a growing flock, they can sell some of their chickens to provide an income for their family and support their own family's needs.
The gift of chickens can give families a helping hand to make huge improvements to their lives, eventually becoming self-sufficient and rise out of poverty.