Exploring dreams

‘What is a lesser-known fact about you?’, ‘If someone had the power to grant any wish for you, what would it be?’ and ‘What do you envision achieving by this time next year?’ are the three questioned given to our Denisa Care Centre children during a recent Kids’ Activity Panel. As the 13 children sat with our Romania Director, Cami, and the centre’s psychologist, they each explored their greatest dreams and aspirations, giving them the chance to express themselves in a safe and nurturing environment.
The answers varied amongst the children, some wanted to one day own pets whilst others wished to have the chance to spend more time with their families. Each answer gave the staff an insight into how they could better support the children in their aspirations, providing them the tools and guidance needed to make these dreams a reality.
“By engaging in conversations with our kids at Denisa Care Centre, we uncovered the depths of their hearts, discovered their deepest desires and encouraged communication, emotional support, free expression, active listening and a sense of belonging to the group.” said Cami our Denisa Care Centre Director, “Ensuring that our kids recognise they have a voice with us is paramount. It fosters a sense of empowerment and encourages open communication. By actively listening to their thoughts, concerns, and aspirations, we strengthen our bond with them and gain deeper insights into their unique personalities and needs.”
The kids embraced the chance to express themselves and to be heard by others, an important element of empowering disadvantaged children living in difficult circumstances. 12-year-old Adriana* who took part in the panel explained: “The activity was beautiful, it helped me share about what I desire in my heart, mostly, to be with my relatives more often and spend more time with them. I felt joyful and happy in my heart to talk about this.”
As the panel came to a close the group joined together to pray about what had been shared, a reminder that God also cares about their dreams and aspirations.
*Name changed for child protection purposes