One year of Naomi
Naomi was a very special surprise. At just nine days old she was left outside the Stand by Me Sophia Academy campus in Tamu, Burma. This tough start was turned around when we found her. We knew that Stand by Me had been entrusted with this precious gift of a baby girl and gladly accepted her into our Sophia Home.
Since then it has been a privilege to love and care for this lovely baby girl whose adoptive Stand by Me family named Naomi.
At our home she has learnt to do all the things babies do; sit up, feed, play, laugh. And she has done it all with the support and encouragement of her brothers and sisters. Naomi is loved and adored and she naturally captures the attention of all she meets. Today we celebrate her 1st birthday!
Naomi’s young life is full of potential, she has so much ahead of her and as she grows and begins to dream, we want will do everything possible to make her dreams a reality. Stand by Me are providing care to meet Naomi's individual needs, and as her needs change as she grows, so will our care - whatever she needs, we’ll be there.
Naomi’s beautiful smile tells nothing of the difficulty that lead to her becoming part of our family but shows the vast opportunity ahead of her and the joy and love that every child should experience. Happy birthday Naomi.