Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge

Dan took on the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge; a trek of 25 miles to climb the three highest peaks in Yorkshire. It is no easy feat and a lot of motivation was needed but Dan was determined to make it.
Dan sponsors Lami in Dembi Dollo. Lami is the youngest of three siblings and lives with his dad. His mother passed away because of complications resulting from HIV/AIDS. His father also suffers with bad health and is too unwell to look after Lami, often the family couldn’t afford to eat. Lami now attends our Abdi Academy where he receives regular food, school resources, medical care and a great education. His father receives help to pay rent. With this comprehensive care, Lami will be able to reach his full potential and the burden on his father is reduced.
Dan wanted to do more to help children like Lami so he took on the ambitious Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge. When the day came the weather was wet and misty but despite the not ideal conditions, he did it! A total of 25 miles, 10.45 hours, an elevation of 4,900 ft and burning 5,660 calories, Dan climbed three of Yorkshires highest peaks.
Thanks to the amazing generosity of his friends and family, Dan smashed his original fundraising target of £500 and has to date raised an amazing £905. This money will provide lunch for a month for 129 children at the Abdi Academy in Dembi Dollo.
Lunch is so important for children. For our kids at the Abdi Academy who are some of the poorest children in our care, many live in households that are so impoverished they would go hungry if it wasn't for our school. Receiving a nutritious lunch every day at school ensures our children remain healthy and strong, it helps them grow and gives them the energy to concentrate on their lessons.
Dan’s fantastic fundraising is making sure children stay healthy and can get a great education. If you are inspired by Dan’s fundraising and want to use your energy, skills, time or talents to fundraise for our kids you can find out how on our Get Involved page.