A second chance for success

An education means a lot to children who have been rescued from terrible backgrounds. Our kids around the world relish the chance to study, they see their schooling as an opportunity to achieve the best they can, reach their dreams and one day stand on their own two feet.
However, sometimes there are obstacles that stand in the way of our children making the most of their education. For Hau San Zam in Burma, bad health made it difficult for her to attend school at a pivotal point in her education.
Hau San Zam attends our Lois School in Burma. Over the years we’ve met her needs from food and healthcare, to a quality education and caring relationships. She'd come so far and just over a year ago she was studying in grade 10, preparing to take her matriculation exams.
At the end of grade 10 in Burma you take matriculation exams, if you pass your matriculation you have the chance to go on to higher education. Hau San Zam experienced some health difficulties and suffered with Rheumatoid Arthiritis, unable to attend school and spending time in hospital for treatment. Unfortunately Hau San Zam failed her matriculation exams.
Here at Stand by Me we believe in second chances and encouraged Hau San Zam to re-sit the year. We knew she was capable, hard working and motivated to pass.
It was a difficult year but we helped her get back to full health and supported her in her studies. She re-sat her matriculation exams and she passed!
“The day I passed grade 10 is one of my biggest happy days in my life because I have been sick for many months in the past years and I couldn't attend the classes regular due to my sickness. This is my second year and I was very worried how would I be. By God’s grace and prayers of many people I could write the final examinations and passed grade 10. I would like to thank God and my sponsors for supporting me to attend the Lois School, more thanks to Stand by Me and my sponsors for allowing to repeat the grade 10 one more year.”
With our lasting support and the encouragement of a sponsor, each and every one of our children can reach their full potential. We won’t give up on them. Well done Hau San Zam, keep working hard and pursuing your dreams - we're so proud.