Hope for girls like Phul Maya

Today, in the heart of the Khairang, stands a school. The Khairang Bethany School represents much more than just lessons and text books; it is a light shining hope into the community.
For parents who fear that their daughters could be snatched away at any moment, abducted by child traffickers be at risk to early marriage, the school is a voice of hope raising awareness and empowering girls, helping them realise their own worth and identity.
Phul Maya’s name means ‘beautiful flower’, she is just 15 years old. In her arms is her newborn baby and she is struggling to cope. She has a husband but they have no land or home of their own: a familiar story in this remote community.
Stand by Me is promoting education aimed at helping families break free from traditions that allow girls as young as 12 to marry.
Our loving staff equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to avoid these dangers. We help them with advocacy, understanding of their rights under Nepali law and teaching about the benefits of a free choice in marriage and delaying until girls are physically mature.
Education also extends to the parents, encouraging them to not be passive in these situations but help protect their daughters from becoming trapped in the same cultural bonds of the generations before them. This education also includes the men and young boys and we are encouraged by the positive attitudes for change shown by so many in this remote community.