Every penny counts

Collecting coppers and baking buns bring in funds. Compassion for girls trapped in poverty touched the hearts of pupils at the Francis Bardsley Academy. They decided to sponsor eight of our most vulnerable girls and set about their fundraising.
Putting their ingenuity to the test, the girls have raised the money needed in all sorts of ways. With staff encouraging them, they have baked, collected and raffled to provide a chance in life for others.
Through Stand by Me, girls at the Francis Bardsley Academy will be bringing hope, security and an education to other girls many miles away. Their sponsor children live across the globe – from Yina in Colombia to Eliza in Nepal; from Hana in Ethiopia to Nengneilhing in India. These girls all have similar stories: poverty, desperate family circumstances and lack of any opportunities. Thanks to sponsorship from caring girls in Romford, the lives of these girls are changing.
The girls at Francis Bardsley Academy are committed to the girls they sponsor. They know that restoring hope and dignity in life does not happen overnight, but will be a process over months and years. At Stand by Me we see the difference that such commitment makes, and we admire the way the challenge has been taken up by the girls at Francis Bardsley.
If you would like be part of Stand by Me’s commitment to children across the world, please visit our sponsorship page for details.