Hope in the turmoil

When a military coup in Myanmar occurred in March, the country was thrown into unrest and life became increasingly desperate for many.
At our projects where the violence was most dangerous, we needed to act to protect our children and so we moved some of them to the safety of relatives further away from the towns.
The atmosphere of fear and uncertainty has made people extremely vulnerable and created the ideal environment for Covid to spread throughout the population, bringing further hardship. But in the midst of despair, hunger and sickness, our staff have been moved by compassion to meet the needs of the people around them.
Since the military took power, our incredible staff have been faithfully looking after our children and serving God through unimaginably difficult circumstances.
After hearing how people’s lives have been turned upside down and the desperation many are facing, we believe that our mission to care for children in Myanmar is far from over. We are needed now more than ever.
Thanks to the amazing generosity of our supporters and the outpouring of prayer, we are able to stand by our staff and provide them with the means to bring vital food aid to the local community, saving people’s lives.
Protected by PPE, travelling in between curfew and transporting food along muddy dirt roads, our staff have delivered the vital supplies of rice, potatoes, vegetables, beans and oil to families in the towns and further afield in isolated villages. They have been met by relief, joy and grateful tears as families have been given hope they are not alone and can survive for another month.
Although the challenges in Myanmar seem insurmountable, our incredible staff continue to do all they can to bring hope to children. Through the work of our homes and schools and the provision of food aid they are spreading the love of Jesus to the communities where we work under the most difficult of circumstances. But we know that so much more will be needed in the coming months.
The food parcels cost £55 and feed a family for a month. To help us continue to provide vital support, please visit our Myanmar Appeal.