Hope through the unrest

Ten kids have recently joined our Stand by Me family in Myanmar after they tragically lost their parents and were at risk in the community. They have been welcomed into one of our children’s homes and they are settling in well, enjoying getting to know their new brothers and sisters.
Myanmar is still suffering greatly due to the civil unrest and the pandemic. Many people fear for their own safety due to the unrest and others fear getting ill from Covid or other illnesses as hospitals have been left empty. Doctors and nurses have fled, and medicine has long since run out.
One of our directors summed up the situation, saying:
“Living in Myanmar this year is very hard and risky, which I have never experienced before. Schools have been closed for two years due to the pandemic and the man-made disaster in our country. Thankfully, everyone is very healthy and even though there are no schools open, all our children have been learning English and other important subjects on zoom.
Many people have lost their jobs and because of inflation many people are struggling for daily provisions. But the children in our care are fed with the best food so that they may be healthy. I pray that the Lord may continue to bless you and use you to help more needy people like our children.”
It is a privilege to be able to welcome new children into our care and provide them with a family to look after them. These children will now receive the best care as well as nutritious food, medical care, a safe place to live, an education and plenty of love. They have been through suffering, but now they have hope for a brighter future.