Seeing the sights of Romania

The girls of the House of Hope in Romania went on a fantastic trip to Calimanesti, an attractive town located a few hours north of Dobrun and the House of Hope. It is an attractive place to visit because of its thermal waters which are famous for their health benefits. The trip was four days in total and for two of the days the girls spent relaxing at the pool. The girls enjoyed swimming in the warm pool and had great fun playing in the sunshine together.
While staying in Calimanesti they also went on two short day excursions, the first to visit a monastery called ‘Turnu’ where they had a tour of the old monastery building. They went on a second excursion to a waterfall called ‘Lotrisor’, all the girls thought that the waterfall was very beautiful and enjoyed experiencing the scenery of Romania. The whole trip was a memorable experience and they ate in restaurants which was a special treat for the girls from our House of Hope.
The House of Hope is a loving home for girls who were rescued from being abandoned, unloved and a life in a state orphanage. The house in Dobrun is a loving home and the girls are cared for and feel valued. The girls who have had a difficult start to life are now growing into mature young ladies.
Trips like these help the girls in the House of Hope to feel extra special and loved. They enjoy the chance to have fun together somewhere different, experiencing new places and learn more about their country and culture. In doing this they learn more about themselves and build stronger friendships. Trips like these are funded by the Treat Fund; you can give to the Treat Fund by giving a one off donation.