250 Children Welcomed into our Stand by Me Family

We are delighted to start 2022 off by welcoming our new project in Kenya into the Stand by Me family. Ahmad visited the Open Arms Village in 2021 and saw first-hand how the project is transforming the lives of children in the village and the community.
The Open Arms project currently cares for 250 children through education, pastoral care and a sustainability programme. Orphaned and vulnerable children have overcome the odds and joined a new family within the Open Arms Village. The project shares Stand by Me’s passion for child-centred care. Counsellors, teachers, social workers, and house parents work with each child to empower them and help them reach their full potential. The village church and outreach programmes extend that mentorship to the community.
The Open Arms Village represents the best childcare, but the need around the village remains great. For this reason, we have taken a step of faith and have committed to rescuing 100 more children by the end of May. We hope to continue expanding the excellent care into the wider community by supporting families with income generation, housing assistance, healthcare and providing quality education to their children.
We know that with your support, we can meet the needs of many more children, helping them to become everything they were born to be.
Find out more about our new project in Kenya here.