Thinking Pink to make a difference!

Our incredible supporter Lynda has dyed her hair to raise money to bring food security to our kids in Myanmar. As a long-term supporter who has visited our projects in Myanmar, Lynda wanted to do more to support our projects during the current crisis, so she enlisted her hairdresser granddaughter to dye her hair pink!
“As I can't go out to Myanmar, I prayed to ask what I could do and felt the Lord was telling me to raise money for food. I could not think of a way to make people feel like helping until someone dared me to go pink. Well, I can't resist a dare! The support has been overwhelming and shows Myanmar is loved and not forgotten.”
Political unrest has caused the cost of food to rise and banks and markets to close, resulting in thousands of people facing starvation. We recently provided food parcels to over 2000 families, but we want to do more to ensure food security for the children in our care. Lynda’s amazing fundraising has helped to purchase a rice field, giving our projects a reliable food source throughout the year ensuring our kids will never go hungry.
So far, Lynda has raised almost £1,000 which has helped to fund half an acre of rice fields. Her bold fundraising has certainly caught people’s attention and Lynda has delighted in the opportunity to share with friends, family, and strangers about her passion for Stand by Me’s work.
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To support Lynda, you can donate at: Lynda goes pink! - Stand By Me