Stand by Me’s work in Shan State has developed significantly in recent months, reaching out to local children at a summer school and receiving a permit to begin building the Shan State Homes.
Stand by Me’s work in Shan State has developed significantly in recent months, reaching out to local children at a summer school and receiving a permit to begin building the Shan State Homes.
It was a normal day at Sophia Academy until our caretaker heard the cries of a baby. Following the cries, he was amazed to find a tiny baby wrapped in cloth under the tree beside the gate - abandoned.
Each year we provide camps for hundreds of needy children in remote villages, where they enjoy nutritious food, receive medical care, have fun and learn about the love of Jesus. Our staff in Northern Burma ran two camps in the Chin Hills.
We rescued Vung from child labour after she tragically lost both her parents before she was 10. She thrived at our Sophia Home and is now employed as a Medicaine Assistant at Pathay Hospital. She may have moved out of our Sophia Home, but she’ll always be one of our kids.